October 23, 2024

200,000 immigrants were naturalized last year

Germany naturalized over 200,000 migrants last year, the largest number in 25 years, according to new statistics from the Federal Statistical Office.

The largest group by far were Syrians, with 74,485 being naturalized in 2023. In a distant second place were Turks (10,735), followed by Iraqis (10,710). 7,575 Romanians, 6,520 Afghans, 6,420 Iranians, 5,910 Ukrainians and 5,440 Poles also received German citizenship.

The news was greeted with anger, especially by the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which has campaigned on a platform to end mass migration to Germany.

“That is more people than the population of Potsdam, Saarbrücken or Leverkusen: 200,100 people received German citizenship last year,” the AfD said in a statement.

“The number of naturalizations has thus reached a historic record level, while the traffic-light coalition and the CDU want to fool us into believing that migration is being limited. In reality, the record number is the result of the mass immigration of Syrians between 2014 and 2016, which was brought upon us by the then CDU federal government under Angela Merkel.”

The newly released data show that the vast majority of Syrians who were naturalised in 2023 were young men: 64%, with an average age of 24.5 years.  

Rules for naturalization have been significantly relaxed in recent years. It is now much easier and quicker for immigrants to receive German citizenship.

Immigration is now the number one political issue in Germany. There has been a huge swing to the right, especially among the young, with the AfD becoming the most popular party for Germans under 30.

Concerns about integration, or lack of it, and soaring migrant crime have driven ordinary Germans against the ruling coalition government and longstanding open-borders policies.

Recently Infowars reported that foreigners are responsible for 100% of serious sexual assault cases and 57.4% of all crimes in Frankfurt.

The official response has been to demonise right-wing politicians, give tacit support to violence against them and even threaten to ban the AfD altogether.

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